How I started doing affiliate marketing in 2000 - - Simple & Honest Online Success With Kreshimir

How I started doing affiliate marketing in 2000

Let me show you how i started doing affiliate marketing 15 years ago.

Thanks to I can remember and show you how it looked like and what programs I used.

At that time, it wasn’t so easy to create a website as it is now. We didn’t have WordPress so I had to learn some basic HTML so I could ‘quickly’ update my websites. Internet was very slow, and many times it took me hour or more to connect.

So how it all started ? Actually I don’t remember exactly, I guess I was looking for some ways to make money online and I found that it can be done by giving some stuff away. I joined few sites that would pay me $1, $2 or sometimes $30 when someone sign ups using my link. Those were usually email signups, and people were signing up for coupons, sweepstakes, free samples and similar.

My websites were and As you can see on screenshots below, I also started to build a mailing list but I didn’t continue after all fell apart. I can only guess how my life would look like if I continued to grow my list since 2000 until now 🙂

So I tested what worked the best for me, and I always updated my sites with new offers to find what converts the best. At that time there was no Paypal so I received my payments in snail mail – they sent checks. So it took at least 2, 3 months from conversion on my account until the moment I received a check.

I also didn’t know too much about getting traffic. So my main source of traffic were “Top sites”, those were lists of websites where you send traffic from your website to rank higher. So my morning ritual was to click on all those links to get as much visits as possible…

Here are screenshots of my websites:



Sites that I used were:



It seems that only Commission Junction ( survived through all this years.

There are now some similar websites, like Cashnetwork, Maxbounty, to name a few…

At that times I was a student and months with $1k or $2k were really amazing for me – for my country (Croatia) that money is still huge in 2015.

For some reason, it all collapsed almost over night. All of the offers that converted very good for me, stopped working. And for some reason I never tried something else, something similar… All of my life I was thought I must find a ‘normal’ job and start working for someone else all the time. Working from home wasn’t the option at that time, it was like my brain couldn’t accept that option at that time, so my guess is that’s one of the reason I didn’t even try to find something to work on after…

But things changed and year ago I came back into making money online space, with a plan to stay here.

Follow my blog to learn more about what I’m doing now and what really works! Also please comment if you liked this post.

Thanks, yours Kresimir!


If you want to have know a secret that makes me money online – Go Here..


About the Author kreso

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